by Bruce Mills
I am reading a new book which was just published by Crossway at the end of November 2013 titled From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: It is a presentation of the doctrine of definite atonement, also known as particular redemption or limited atonement. The book covers four aspects: the doctrine in church history, in biblical passages, in theological understanding, and in pastoral application.
This is the most thorough and in-depth treatment of this subject that has ever been written. It is a landmark book which, I believe, will become the standard reference book for anyone who wishes to undertake a comprehensive study of this doctrine. This is not a book for the casual reader who is looking for a quick study, a light overview of the subject. This is a seminary level treatment of this topic which addresses all the aspects of definite atonement. It tackles all the arguments against it, interacting with the scholars of opposing viewpoints, while at the same time providing a mountain of biblical and theological support for it. The book is edited by David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson, and is a compilation of chapters written by twenty-one of the world's foremost Reformed Protestant evangelical scholars, including men such as Henri Blocher, Sinclair Ferguson, John Piper, Thomas Schreiner, and Carl Trueman. The foreword is written by J. I. Packer and it has received endorsements from men of exceptional scholarship, including D. A. Carson, Michael Horton, David Wells, John Frame, and Ligon Duncan.
I highly recomment this book, but as I said, it is not light reading. But it is a book which will cause you to think and meditate on the glorious doctrine of the atonement and all that Christ accomplished through His propitiatory sacrifice. The hardback edition is available at the present time from Westminster Bookstore ( for $32.50 plus $4.99 USPS shipping, or as a Kindle download edition from for $19.99.
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